20th -22nd December

Venue: Manekshaw Convention Centre, Dhaula Kuan


Pathcon 2024

20th Dec09:00 AM – 06:00 PM10 Workshops, Oral & Poster Presentations
21st & 22nd Dec, Sat, Sun09:00 AM – 05:00 PMPre & post lunch scientific sessions, panel discussions and much more
21st & 22nd Dec, Sat, Sun09:00 AM – 05:00 PMLab Expo
21st Dec, Sat07:30 PM onwardsBanquet Dinner Night for Delegates and APP members


20 DECEMBER 2024

Workshops (9:30 AM to 11:30 AM)

S. No.TitleSpeakerLecturesResponsibility
1Critical issues to be handled by practicing pathologistsProf. Dr. (Col.) Jyoti Kotwal, Dr. Sabina Langer1. HIT: How to suspect and diagnose, 2. Issue of prolonged coagulation tests: How to interpret and further evaluateDr. Rashmi Vohra
2Enhancing confidence in interpreting bacterial cultures and susceptibility testingDr. Renu Gupta, Dr. Sabah, Dr. Aarti Gupta1. Interpreting and reporting Bacterial cultures, 2. Basics of Antimicrobial susceptibility testing, 3. Interpretation of Antimicrobial Susceptibility testingDr. Pradeep Suri
3Lab Management – What we were never taught in medical schoolDr. Lalitha Chenthil, Dr. Anand1. Setting up a medical laboratory: A step by step guide, 2. Cost Analysis in pathology labsDr. Deeksha Chowdhary
4Neonatal Diagnostic Horizons: Early Detection and Intervention in Endocrine and Metabolic DisordersDr. Saurabh Uppal, Dr. Gurdev Chowdhary, Dr. Savita1. Congenital hypothyroidism – The levels that a pathologist needs to know, 2. Newborn sepsis markers, 3. Neonatal Metabolic screenDr. Vibha Malik
5Updates in cytologyDr. Gunjan Mangla, Dr. Pooja Bakshi, Dr. Poojan Agarwal1. Updates and approach to reporting of Thyroid FNA, 2. Cervical Cancer screening – Liquid based cytology and HPV testing, 3. Updates in cytology of Salivary gland neoplasmsDr. Kalpana Jain

Workshops (12:00 PM to 02:00 PM)


S. No.TitleSpeakerLecturesResponsibility
1Basics of Molecular Genetic Testing in AML and MPNDr. Pulkit, Dr. Shano, Dr. Debadrita Ray1. Introduction to basics methodology for molecular tests and its quality control, 2. Molecular genetic tests for Acute Myeloid Leukemia diagnosis, 3. Molecular genetic tests for Myeloproliferative Neoplasm DiagnosisDr. Prashant Gupta
2Lab Safety – Reducing Diagnostic Errors to improve patient safetyDr. Richa Gupta, Dr. Rinu Goyal, Dr. Suchitra Jain, Dr. Prachi1. Precautions in hematology Practice, 2. Minimising lab errors: Case based learning, 3. Microbiology – an important role, 4. Unveiling the clinicopathological gap via an interesting case presentationDr. Gajendra Yadav
3The Gut pathway: Mastering GI PathologyDr. Komal, Dr. Nalini Bansal, Dr. Archana Rastogi1. Potpourri of interesting cases of lower gastrointestinal tract, 2. Navigating through the hazy maze! Upper GI PATHOLOGY, 3. Approach to liver biopsy, sailing through hurdlesDr. Anju Gupta
4Effusion Samples and Respiratory cytology: Role of Liquid -based cytology and beyondDr. Nalini Gupta, Dr. Naveen Agarwal1. Serous fluid cytopathology: Reporting systems and Liquid Based Cytology, 2. Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid Cytology: The Treasure Trove, 3. EBUS Guided TBNA: Rapid On-Site Evaluation and Advances in Respiratory Cytology.Dr. Dilip Kumar
5Cardiovascular Diseases & Recent Advances – risk assessment & diagnostic approachDr. Pradeep Kumar Dabla, Dr. Vimal Mehta, Dr. Rashid Mir1. Deep Learning evaluation of Cardiac Biomarkers- Preventive Digital Health, 2. Lipid associated Cardiovascular Risk Assessment and Management, 3. Diagnostic and prognostic significance of Circulating exosomal microRNAs in cardiovascular disease: New emerging hopesDr. Anil Gupta


21-22 DECEMBER 2024

Saturday Schedule (Dec 21st, 2024)

S. No. Timing Lecture Faculty
1 09.30-10.00am Medicolegal Aspects Dr Rohini Kalhan
2 10.00-10.20am Total Laboratory Automation Dr A K Harith
3 10.20-10.40am Communication Skills Dr Pavanendra Lal
4 10.40-11.00am Significance of Accreditation Dr Ritu Gupta
5 11.00-11.30am Tea Break Dr Sonal Sharma
6 11.30-12.00pm Comparison of FNAC versus Core needle biopsy in breast lesions Dr Prateek Kinra
7 12.00-12.30pm Digital pathology and future trends  
8 12.30-01.00pm INAUGURATION  
9 01.00-02.00pm Lunch  
10 02.00-02.30pm Interlude  
11 02.30-03.00pm Fitness-Physical, mental & emotional Dr Aparna Govind
12 03.00-03.30pm Antimicrobial Stewardship Dr Narinder Saini
13 03.30-04.00pm Approach to hypercoagulable state Dr Mrinalini Kotru
14 04.00-04.30pm Gut biopsy- Diagnostic Pearls Dr Abha Malik

Sunday Schedule (Dec 22nd, 2024)

S. No.TimingLectureFaculty
109.30-10.00amWhat’s Next in Triple Negative Breast Cancer, New Approaches and DiscoveriesDr Reena Tomar
210.00-10.20amComparative analysis of capillary electrophoresis & HPLC in Hb Fraction AnalysisDr Sarika Singh
310.20-10.40amUtilization review of lab testDr Neeraj Jain
410.40-11.00amEssentials of Good Lab PracticesDr Pradeep Suri
511.00-11.30amTea Break 
611.30-12.00pmDiagnostic enigma in histopathology & Prudent pathologistDr Madhu Mati Goel
712.00-12.30pmEthics In Medical ProfessionDr Girish Tyagi
812.30-01.00pmApproach to PancytopeniaDr Praveen Sharma
1102.30-03.00pmImmunohistochemistry in lymphoma & leukaemiaDr Tejinder Singh
1203.00-03.30pmAdvanced Hematology Analyzers with Newer Parameters & its Clinical ImplicationsDr Anil Handoo
1303.30-04.00pmTalk by Roche 
1404.00-04.30pmMolecular landscape of Lung cancerDr (Col.) Samir



Dr. Rajan Varma

Phone: +91-99991 38158


Address: C2B, 92-93 janakpuri New delhi 110058



Mr. Amit Singh

Phone: +91 98113 23391



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